10 years in the making, Damien Hirst's 'Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable', is a work of art of monumental scale in every aspect. Sizewise the exhibition of 189 pieces fitted in not one but two museums, moneywise is said to have cost $65 million (but no one is sure exactly) but most definitely it is the great work of art of deception. Where a legend is created with many playful winks to the audience. Where ancient cultures are mixed with modern celebrity. And this in itself produces extremely mixed reviews.
The 'documentary' depicting the ancient legend and the legend of the artefacts being rediscovered from under the sea is available on Netflix. The reviews themselves are a true delight to read. People feeling so deeply cheated by Hirst or completely enchanted by his underwater fairytale. For your work to create such a reaction, you must be doing something right ;)
In the art word the exhibition only established the trend of modern curation. Where classic themes are deconstructed and mixed with very contemporary icons and celebrity faces. This is how Rihanna becomes a Grecian goddess, Sphinx resembles Kate Moss, and Michaelangelo's David gets a Bowie makeover. Art becomes playful and familiar. Because the postmodern collector cares for beauty and appreciates equally the Roman statues and contemporary idols.
And since fashion always looks up to art this is the current mood

1. Yinka Shonibare MBE: The Swing (After Fragonard) http://www.yinkashonibarembe.com/artwork/sculpture/?image_id=25
2. Hey_Reilley: Pieter 1 http://www.heyreilly.com/pieter
3. Damien Hirst:Sphinx https://www.filminquiry.com/treasures-from-the-wreck-2018-review/
4. Giulioaprin: David Bowie Michelangelo https://www.threadless.com/designs/david-bowie-michelangelo/
5. Leo Caillard Rhabiller: Hipster stone https://imgur.com/gallery/QJ5mB